The Sweeney Homework Project
The Sweeney Homework Project
Task 1
1. The Sweeney is a crime drama TV programme.
2. The programme is called 'The Sweeney because it is short for Sweeney Todd which is Cockney rhyming sland for Flying squad. The main characters are part of the flying squad withing the police.
3. It was first broadcasted on the 2nd January 1978 on ITV.
4. It was produced by Vertigo Films.
5. John Thaw (Detective Inspector Jack Regan), Dennis Waterman (Detective Sargant George Carter) and Garfield Morgan (Detective Chief Inspector Frank Haskins) starred in the show.
6. It was set around the west London area.
7. Season 1 episode 1 is called Ringer and what happens is that Regan and Carter are conducting surveillance on gang of villains
led by Frankie Kemble when Jenny, Regan's girl-friend, has her car
stolen with all the information Regan has collated on Kemble inside it.
Unfortunately the documents end up in Kemble's possession and Regan has
to find another way to trap him.
Task 2
Didnt know how to do.
Task 3
Life in 1970's London
Fashion - Popular early 1970s fashions for women included Tie
dye shirts, Mexican 'peasant' blouses, folk-embroidered Hungarian
blouses, ponchos, capes, and military surplus clothing. Bottom attire
for women during this time included bell-bottoms, gauchos, frayed jeans, midi skirts, and ankle-length maxi dresses.
Crime - There is not much information about crime in the 1970's. However, it was very different from present day. Firstly, there was less technology so it was harder to solve crimes. Due to this, there were more 'dirty cops' who didnt stick to the rules and had to bribe or frame the criminalas to get them to prison. Also, the police could get away with breaking the rules as back then they werent in the public eye as much.
Technology - The 1970's were a year of great technological advancement. such as calculators, videogames, casettes, digital cameras or computers.
Gender - In the 1970s there was a divide between men and women. Women were not seen as equal to men. This is present in the film industry as often they would not have big roles in tv. Instead they would play insignificant roles such a girlfriends or carers,
Race - In the 1970s there was a divide between races. For example, any race other than white was seen as inferiour or not equal. This is present in the film industry where other races other than white would rarely be cast.
Task 4
Luther and The Sweeney similarities/differences
Similarities - Genre conventions (maverick main character, Propp's character functions, narrative).
Differences - representation of gender (womenns in Luther are equal to men and are potrayed as powerful), representation of race (the main character is black, more diverse ethnicities), society (different expectations, how we act, police, technology), ideologies.
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