Creativity Media Homework
Creativity Media Homework
Task 1
To me being creative is to make or do something that isn't standard or normal but it is what you like and is special to you.
Creativity - the use of imagination or original ideas to create something; inventiveness.
- I think both definitions are similar because both mine and the official definition somehow say to be creative it needs to be your own work and is by your own ideas. However, i would say a difference is that you don't have to invent something but you just have to do something with your own style and it doesn't have to be that spectacular.
- I think the official definition is better because it pretty much explains my definition except that is is better worded and not as long.
Task 2
1. "It is better to fail in originality than to succeed with imitation" - Herman Melville. I agree with this quote because no one ever stood out by being the same as everyone else, so If you could be original then why wouldn't you? If you fail in originality the it doesn't mean you'd always and at least its better than being the same and imitating everyone else.
2. These images look the same where both sides are facing each other and looking into each others eyes. However, they are both creative in their own way by showing what type of movie it is. This is shown in the film poster for Captain America : Civil War all the characters have their superhero outfits on and are ready for battle with very serious expressions on their face. Also, the poster has a dark atmosphere to show the movie as an action. But, on the Neighbours 2 film poster their is a hint of humour. This is portrayed in the anchorage text "parenthood vs. sisterhood" which coveys the 2 sides as to not really being in a serious battle or war but the both sides have a disliking to each other. Also, the look on each of their faces isn't very serious or threatening but looks comical. Finally, the atmosphere on the poster is very bright and the sun is shining which gives the film a more lighthearted and funny appeal which shows the film as a comedy. Both of these poster have their own creativeness as they both look the same but they used the layout of the poster to show both an action movie and a comedy movie.

2. These images look the same where both sides are facing each other and looking into each others eyes. However, they are both creative in their own way by showing what type of movie it is. This is shown in the film poster for Captain America : Civil War all the characters have their superhero outfits on and are ready for battle with very serious expressions on their face. Also, the poster has a dark atmosphere to show the movie as an action. But, on the Neighbours 2 film poster their is a hint of humour. This is portrayed in the anchorage text "parenthood vs. sisterhood" which coveys the 2 sides as to not really being in a serious battle or war but the both sides have a disliking to each other. Also, the look on each of their faces isn't very serious or threatening but looks comical. Finally, the atmosphere on the poster is very bright and the sun is shining which gives the film a more lighthearted and funny appeal which shows the film as a comedy. Both of these poster have their own creativeness as they both look the same but they used the layout of the poster to show both an action movie and a comedy movie.

Task 3
A) This short film could be considered creative because of the use of camera work and how the director of this film showed the girls creativity compared to the rest of society by how at the start of the film there is a shot outside a window of a building that shows the rest of the street full of dull lifeless buildings and focuses on a dead plant of the window which almost symbolises the rest of the town. However, that shot is then faced with the next image of a girl and bird full of life and pretty colours which symbolises their personality and creativeness. I think these shots together is a creative way for the director to show that creativity is good and if we don't each have our own personalities and originality then we would be living in a boring world and also being yourself shouldn't be shun upon.
B) The director or this film directly uses mise-en-scene on the girl and everything she touches or creates. All of the mise-en-scene involving the girl is all exceptionally colourful and stands out where the rest of the town is filled with neutral colours like browns or greys. The costume and makeup of all the characters all resembles their personality where the director creatively and successfully communicates to the audience of the meaning of the film.
C) The sound is creatively chosen for this type of film and where the director chose to place the sounds. It is also smart that when glimpses of creatively starts to show in the film them there is a subtle noise to indicate that the creativeness in the world is different and out of place in that society and something has changed. however, is isn't over dramatic and over the top but it implies to the audience that the change is getting bigger as the film continues and the sound gets louder.
D) Creativeness is shown in the narrative by the way it isn't the standard narrative structure. It still starts with the equilibrium but in this case the equilibrium is a bad thing. Then the disruption to the equilibrium is when the society is slowly changing but it is for the better and the creativity of the girl is disrupting the social norm. Then the disruption to the narrative doesn't get solved but is emphasises to the audience that this kind of society should always be disrupted and creativeness id good. The narrative of this short film is very creative because it is unique and original as i have never seen a narrative like this before.
E) The representation of characters is creative because apart from the girl, the rest of the society is not creative but it is normal for them and they are living their everyday lives without being fazed by the lack of creativity in the town. The girl is represented creatively because her creativeness isn't only shown by the way she dresses or her personality but what she is like on the inside. Her character is also shown by how she bleeds paint and colours after she is stamped by an old lady. it almost shows she is creativity in a society that is dark and morbid. The director chose to do this even though her character still would of successfully been shown without this element but it makes the film more memorable and like a piece of art.
B) The director or this film directly uses mise-en-scene on the girl and everything she touches or creates. All of the mise-en-scene involving the girl is all exceptionally colourful and stands out where the rest of the town is filled with neutral colours like browns or greys. The costume and makeup of all the characters all resembles their personality where the director creatively and successfully communicates to the audience of the meaning of the film.
C) The sound is creatively chosen for this type of film and where the director chose to place the sounds. It is also smart that when glimpses of creatively starts to show in the film them there is a subtle noise to indicate that the creativeness in the world is different and out of place in that society and something has changed. however, is isn't over dramatic and over the top but it implies to the audience that the change is getting bigger as the film continues and the sound gets louder.
D) Creativeness is shown in the narrative by the way it isn't the standard narrative structure. It still starts with the equilibrium but in this case the equilibrium is a bad thing. Then the disruption to the equilibrium is when the society is slowly changing but it is for the better and the creativity of the girl is disrupting the social norm. Then the disruption to the narrative doesn't get solved but is emphasises to the audience that this kind of society should always be disrupted and creativeness id good. The narrative of this short film is very creative because it is unique and original as i have never seen a narrative like this before.
E) The representation of characters is creative because apart from the girl, the rest of the society is not creative but it is normal for them and they are living their everyday lives without being fazed by the lack of creativity in the town. The girl is represented creatively because her creativeness isn't only shown by the way she dresses or her personality but what she is like on the inside. Her character is also shown by how she bleeds paint and colours after she is stamped by an old lady. it almost shows she is creativity in a society that is dark and morbid. The director chose to do this even though her character still would of successfully been shown without this element but it makes the film more memorable and like a piece of art.
Task 4
I have used the advice from this article to do task 5 on this homework project. I could pf spent 1o minutes on it and just do some bubble writing of a definition for creativity but i took the time and spent a while to make something i like for task 5. Also i have used this advise alot so far because I have a bullet journal but i never wrote much inside of it until i realised that i do spend too much time on social media and I've wrote in it alot since that advice. However, i probably still spend too much of my spare time on line.
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